Sunday 5 June 2016

Easiest Veg Lasagne

Its a long due post considering that i have been away from writing for quite some time now. And when you come back to something after a long break, you want to approach it with the best of your tools.

So here comes my famous lasagne. One thing which is truly special about this dish is that its a Fool Proof recipe. No matter what is your level of expertise in kitchen, this has to turn out well. 

Also you might have moments where your lasagne sheets will tear during boiling or handling, but just Don't Stop.When everything comes together, it is pure awesomeness.

*The picture you see is courtesy Google,as i was not getting a good click which shows all the layers. But this is almost how it will come out in the end :)


Lasagne Sheets - 6

For Tomato sauce:

Large finely chopped tomatoes- 5
Large finely chopped onion -5
Garlic cloves, chopped - 8-10
Bay leaf - 2
Oregano - 1 tsp
Basil / Tulsi leaves - 1 tsp
Tomato ketchup- 2 Tbsp

For Spinach Sauce (Thick):

Spinach (boiled and drained) - 1 kg
Cheese grated - 1 small bowl
Thick cream - 1 small bowl
Salt and pepper powder

1. Boil lasagne sheets in a big vessel with enough water for 15 mins. Make sure you add the sheet only after the water is boiling hot.
2. Once Al dante, drain the sheets and spread them on a cloth so that they don't stick to each other.
3. To make tomato sauce, heat oil in a pan. Add onion, bay leaf, tulsi, garlic and fry.
4. Add chopped tomatoes and fry for 2-3 mins.
5. Add tomato ketchup, salt and red pepper powder. Fry for 1 min and keep aside.
6. To make spinach sauce, take a bowl, and add all ingredients and mix well preferably with your hands.
7. To assemble:
a. Take a rectangular microwave safe dish and grease it lightly with oil.
b. Take 2 spoon of tomato sauce and spread on the bottom of the dish.
c.  Take 2 lasagne sheets and place it side by side on the first layer.
d. Next top the lasagne sheets with 2 tbsp spinach sauce.
e. Repeat the layers till u finish all the 6 sheets and the sauces. 
f. Make sure to have spinach sauce as your last layer and top it with some grated cheese.
g. Bake on microwave convection mode for 25 mins. (Preheat :180 degree C)
